What is the meaning of information technology
Information Technology is the study of many areas in technology, in IT it is studying the use of computers and other technology in finding information. IT is a branch from computer engineering that is becoming a rapidly growing field in today's careers
It has become apparent that information technology is rapidly transforming the landscape
of global business. The imperative of competitiveness has increased the pace by which these
changes must be made; its impact on organizational structure and communications has been
rapid and discontinuous. Communications has been one facet of this change that few anticipatedIt turns out that bringing people together is the ultimate killer application (The Heyday of the
Auction, 1999).
Stated succinctly, and extrapolating from trends in information technology that are
emerging with the arrival of the 21st century, it is likely that the following organizational
outcomes will occur in 2020:
(1) Convergence
(2) Decentralization
(3) Virtuality, and
(4) Commodification
•One byproduct of the appearance of the World Wide Web has been a dramatic rethinking of the nature of communications technology. It is convenient to think of the telephone, the television, the radio and the World Wide Web as separate means of communication. Some of these sources are interactive (such as the telephone) and others are not currently interactive (such as the television). By 2020, these distinctions will be irrelevant.
•We see this being played out clearly in the telecommunications industry today (So the Elephants Danced, 1998). While themselves not certain of the outcome, telecommunications giants such as AT&T and MCI WorldCom have been rapidly acquiring companies outside their traditional telecommunications fields, such as cable, internet service providers, and media companies.
• The net effect of these mergers and acquisitions is the rapid consolidation of these telecommunications corporations into a communications infrastructure – voice, images, and data.
•In 2020, data will be the predominant exchange on these networks.
•One of the most profound organizational byproducts of the IT revolution will be the increased decentralization of the organization.
•Whereas information and decision making control had traditionally resided with the upper levels of management, the impact of IT will be to decentralize both information and control.
•These phenomena will be a continuation of the trends seen in the late 1990’s. With the integration of suppliers, firm and buyers, it will be imperative that decision-making authority be relegated to the levels closest to the customer or markets as possible.
•The task for management will be to create information flows sufficient to monitor these exchanges, and if necessary to take corrective action.
The dictates of flexibility, however, will be sufficient enough to release decision making to the areas and levels where it will be the most effective.
•This will increasingly make the task of top management more esoteric than ever before.
•Freed from the dictates of day-to-day operational decision-making, top management will be increasingly faced with the question of strategically managing the firm in a fluid, chaotic environment.
•The speed at which environmental conditions are likely to evolve will require building dynamic flexibility.
•Another result of the further decentralization of organizations should be the creation of virtuality in a One consequence of the increased reliance upon virtuality will be what can be termed
•The Leadership Imperative and around the organization From a societal perspective, virtuality has another, subtler, impact.
•Gradually, images are becoming more important than other forms of communication. Indeed, in the milieu of the
•Internet, images are the reality. Images of reality are in fact are becoming more important to
•society than the underlying reality itself (Lash, 1990). America Online exists only in the glow of cyberspace.
•A larger implication for virtuality, both within and outside the organization, is transparency.
•While a man selling his kidney over the E-Bay website may be regarded as an isolated, aberrant phenomena, it is in fact a symptom of a much larger phenomena.
•These phenomena can be regarded as symptoms of commodification (Lash, 1990).
•The implications of these post-modern incursions into management theory and the theory of the firm are far from clear. Yet to an observer at the end of the 20th century, the argument that post-modern theories attempt to move social science away from the physical sciences may appear to be false. Indeed, if the social sciences gain their legitimacy by emulation and imitation of the physical sciences, then the move from determinism to Post-Einstein thought is being driven by the physical sciences. Perhaps it is the social sciences, and management thought in particular, that has remained isolated from the scientific breakthroughs of the 20th century
•With information technology beginning to increasingly integrate into our organizations, an evolution has begun to occur.
•Many organizations have begun to organize themselves around these new technologies, and an explosion of entrepreneurial activity has occurred.
•New challenges also require new theoretical lenses, and the flexibility to re-configure even our preconceptions to integrate with the new circumstances.
•Our worldview, in other words, must bear increasing examination. As a society, our communications have become increasingly visual, rather than focusing upon the written word (Lash, 1990).
•We may need a new set of lenses in order to regard these images clearly .
•The knowledge and skills required in information technology come from the applied engineering sciences, especially information, computer, and systems engineering sciences, and from professional practice. Professional activities in information technology and in the acquisition of information technology systems range from requirements definition or specification, to conceptual and functional design and development of communication and computer-based systems for information support. They are concerned with such topics as architectural definition and evaluation.
New IT park in Karnataka:
•The Karnataka government has planned to build a big integrated IT park near the airport of Karnaaka. The construction works for the project has been started at the Veda nalli which is a place in Karnataka.
Industries to be built in the integrated park are,
Information Technology Company
Biotechnology industry
Automobile company
Pharmacy technology industry and
Cement Company
Industries to be built in the integrated park are,
Information Technology Company
Biotechnology industry
Automobile company
Pharmacy technology industry and
Cement Company
•Bangalore has been the destination for the most of the graduates of all over India. There are reasons for that. They are,
Bangalore has been the capital for the Information Technology companies because there is lot of leading IT companies in Bangalore.
The next thing is the climate of Bangalore. It is hard to find people who don't like the climate of Bangalore.
Bangalore is the city that has the huge number of IT companies in India.
Bangalore has been the capital for the Information Technology companies because there is lot of leading IT companies in Bangalore.
The next thing is the climate of Bangalore. It is hard to find people who don't like the climate of Bangalore.
Bangalore is the city that has the huge number of IT companies in India.
So, Information Technology becomes in 2020, it gives a amazing news.
Thanking you,