Thursday, September 30, 2010

How to install UBUNTU on your machine?

Why Ubuntu?

Ubuntu is a fast, Secure and east to use operating system used by millions of people around the world.

You can download this os from this link

Step 1: Insert a linux os disk.

Step 2: Restart your computer.

Step 3: Set BIOS settings to run the CD-ROM

Step 4: Now you will see a linux installation.

Step 5: This is process is being seven steps. First step you click to FORWARD button.

Step 6: Then again click a FORWARD button.(got a Time region step).

Step 7: Setup your location and what's time on you work your machine and click FORWARD button.

Step 8: You can get a Hard disk  partition method. Now you can see four various types of installation method. If you select "Side by side" method method OS is install with side by side use that machine or selected "Delete whole and install" method you loss previous data's and install that OS only or selceted "Manual" you install this OS and  don't loss any previous data's. you select any installation method and click FORWARD button.

Step 9:Here will see the partition method. First you select a swap are with 2000 MB space

Step 10: Now you select whole hard disk space by the type is ' ext3 ' and you should mountpoint click the ' \ 'click FORWARD button.

Step 11: You'ld be the configuration wizard.(seen whatever you will be selected).

Step 12: Click OK button and install linux os is your machine.

Step 13: Now compelet the installation and you get the LINUX is your machine. Remove the CD from CD-ROM, and restart the machine. Now OS installation is completed and ubuntu can be running now on your machine.

Work and enjoy yourself.


                           " BEST OF LUCK "