Poison is any substance: solid, liquid or gas, that tends to impair health or cause death when introduced into the body or onto the skin surface. A poisoning emergency can be life threatening.
- Common in suicide attempts.
- Occasional accidental poisoning.
Ways in which poisoning may occur
- ingestion- by mouth
- inhalation- by breathing
- injection- by animal bites, stings, syringes
- absorption- by skin contact
Common Household Poison
- Sleeping pills
- Pain relievers
- Insect and rodent poisons
- Kerosene
- Denatured alcohol
- Lye and acids including boric
- Poisonous plants
- Contaminated water
- Fume
INGESTED POISON is one that is introduced into the digestive tract by way of the mouth. One form of ingestion poisoning is food poisoning, a general form that covers a variety of conditions.
Suspect food poisoning if:
- the victim ate food that "didn't taste right" or that may have been old, improperly prepared, contaminated, left at room temperature for a long time, or proceesed with an excessive amount of chemicals.
- several people who ate together become ill.
Signs and Symptoms
- Altered mental status.
- History of ingesting poisons.
- Burns around the mouth.
- Odd breath odors.
- Nauseas, vomiting.
- Abdominal pain.
- Diarrhea.
Instances when vomiting should not be induced
- If unresponsive.
- Cannot maintain an airway open.
- Has ingested an acid, a corrosive lye, or a petroleum product such as gosoline or furniture polish.
- Has a medical condition that could be complicated by vomiting, such as heart attack, seizures and pregnancy.
First Aid
- Try to identify the poison.
- Place the victim on its left side.
- Save any empty container, spoiled food analysis.
- Save any vomitus and keep it with the victim if the person is taken to an emergency facility.
INHALED POISON is a poison breathed into the lungs.
Signs and Symptoms
- History of inhaling poisons.
- Breathing difficulty.
- Chest pain.
- Cough, hoarseness, burning sensation in the throat.
- Cyanosis (bluish discoloration of skin and mucous membranes).
- Dizziness, headache.
- Seizures, unresponsiveness (advance stages).
First Aid
- Remove the victim from the toxic environment and into fresh air immediately.
- Seek medical attention.
ABSORBED POISON, also known as contact poison is a poison that enters the body through the skin.
Signs and Symptoms
- History of exposures.
- Liquid or powder on the skin
- Burns.
- Itching, irritation.
- Redness, rashes, blisters.
First Aid
- Remove the clothing.
- With a dry cloth, blot the posion from the skin. If the poison is a dry powder, brush it off.
- Flood the area with copious amount of water.
- Conrinually monitor the patient's vital signs.
INJECTED POISON is a poison that enters the body through a bite, sting, or syringe.
1. Bee sting
Signs and Symptoms
- Stingers may be present.
- Pain
- Swelling
- Possible allergic reaction
First Aid
- Remove stinger.
- Wash wound.
- Cover the wound.
- Apply a cold pack.
- Watch for signals of allergic reaction
2. Spider bite
Signs and Symptoms
- Nite mark
- Swelling
- Pain
- Nausea and vomiting
- Difficulty breathing or swallowing.
First Aid
- Wash wound.
- Apply a cold pack.
- Get medical care to receive antivenin.
- Get local emergency number, if necessary.
3. Marine Organisms
Signs and Symptoms
- Possible marks.
- Pain
- Swelling
- Possible allergic reaction.
First Aid
- If jellyfish- soak area in vinegar
- If sting ray- soak in nonscalding hot water until pain goes away.
- Clean and bandage the wound.
- Call emergency number, if necessary.
4. Snake bite
Signs and Symptoms
- Bite mark
- Pain
Comparative Characteristics of Snake
Movement | Cortina, side locomotion winding | Semicortina curvature |
Head | Semi-angular | Oblongated |
Body | Rectangular | Circular |
Skin | Rough | Smooth |
Pupil | Vertical | Round |
Ways/ manner of attack | Nonconstrictor | Constrictor |
Bite marks | With fang marks | Horeshoe shape |
First Aid
- Wash wound.
- Keep bitten part still, and lower than the heart.
- Call local emergency number.
5. Dog bite
Signs and Symptoms
- Bite mark
- Bleeding
First Aid
- If bleeding is minor- wash wound.
- Control bleeding.
- Apply antibiotic ointment.
- Cover the wound.
- Get medical attention if wound bleeds severly or if you suspect animal has rabies.
- Call local emergency nunber or contact animal control personnel.
General Care for Poisoning
- Survey the scene.
- Remove the victim from the source of the poison.
- Do a primary survey.
- Care for any life threatening condition.
- If the victim is conscious, do a secondary survey.
- Do not give the victim anything by mouth unless advised by medical professionals.
Standard First Aid: Participant's Workbook
The Philippine National Red, 2002 Edition
Philippine Copyright, 1999
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